In 2020 the choir organ in St. Reinoldi was completed. It was the first step for the complete new concept of organ arrangement in that church. Special thanks to Prof. Hirche from Hamburg, who designed the instrument. It presents itself as a flat volume on top of the southern entrance door. The organ contains eleven ranks, all inside a swellbox except the complete facade stop. The system of single tone control makes a large variety of sounds possible.

Link zur Hauptorgel

Manual I C-c''''
Bourdon 3 16'
Praestant 2 8'
Gedeckt 3 8'
Octave 2 4'
Gedecktflöte 3 4'
Superoctave 9 2'
Mixtur 4-f. 89 2'
Fagott 11 16'
Horn 11 8'
Manual II C-c''''
Hohlflöte 5 8'
Fernflöte 6 8'
Violine 4 8'
Schwebung 7 8'
Flöte 5 4'
Gambetta 4 4'
Quinte 8 2 2/3'
Flautino 5 2'
Terz 10 1 3/5'
Horn 11 8'
Pedal C-g'
Violon 1 16'
Bourdon 3 16'
Octavbass 2 8'
Gedecktbass 3 8'
Cello 4 8'
Choralbass 2 4'
Pedalmixtur 4-f. 89
Fagott 11 16'
Horn 11 8'
Clarine 11 4'

1 Die Ziffern hinter den Registernamen bezeichnen die Zugehörigkeit zu den vorhandenen elf Pfeifenreihen.

Koppeln: I/II, I/P, II/P, II 16', II 4'
Tremulant auf das ganze Werk wirkend