Bourdon | 16' |
Principal | 8' |
Gamba | 8' |
Flöte | 8' |
Oktav | 4' |
Spitzflöte | 4' |
Quint | 2 2/3' |
Oktav | 2' |
Cornett 5 f. ab a° | 8' |
Mixtur 4-5 f. | 2' |
Trompete | 8' |
Tremulant |
In Drammen near Oslo our second organ in Norway was installed in 2010. The organ is placed in two cases. Close to the intersection of the church, built in cross form, great and swell are located. The swell stands underneath the great chest and the keydesk is at the side. The pedal with four “extracted” stops stands in a separate case in the rear area of the cross arm. Prof. Jon Laukvik from Stuttgart is the main expert and advisor.
Bourdon | 16' |
Principal | 8' |
Gamba | 8' |
Flöte | 8' |
Oktav | 4' |
Spitzflöte | 4' |
Quint | 2 2/3' |
Oktav | 2' |
Cornett 5 f. ab a° | 8' |
Mixtur 4-5 f. | 2' |
Trompete | 8' |
Tremulant |
Geigenprincipal | 8' |
Salicional | 8' |
Bourdon | 8' |
Voix céleste | 8' |
Fugara | 4' |
Flöte | 4' |
Octavin | 2' |
Nazard | 2 2/3' |
Tierce | 1 3/5' |
Oboe | 8' |
Trompette harm. | 8' |
Clairon | 4' |
Tremulant |
Violon | 16' |
Subbass | 16' |
Octavbass | 8' |
Violoncell 1 | 8' |
Gedackt 1 | 8' |
Octave 1 | 4' |
Posaune | 16' |
Trompete 1 | 8' |
1 Extensions
Mechanische Koppeln:
II/I, I/P, II/P, II/P 4‘, II/II16’
Duale Registertraktur mit Setzeranlage