I Rückpositiv C-c''''
Holzgedackt | 8' |
Gemshorn | 8' |
Prästant | 4' |
Rohrflöte | 4' |
Sesquialter 2f | 2 2/3' |
Doublette | 2' |
Sifflet | 1 1/3' |
None | 8/9' |
Scharff 4f | 1' |
Holzregal | 16' |
Cromorne | 8' |
Tremulant |
Fotografien: Klaus Schicker, schicker-allmedia.de
The Jann organ of the Abbey Basilika Waldsassen is one of the largest and best-known organs in Bavaria. The instrument was cleaned and repaired where necessary with the exception of the „Fernwerk“. Finally it was revoiced gently. The disposition remained unchanged. The effect of the Swell and the accessibility inside of the instrument were improved. The work was done in consultation with OSV Gerhard Siegl and the organist of the Basilika Andreas Sagstetter.
Holzgedackt | 8' |
Gemshorn | 8' |
Prästant | 4' |
Rohrflöte | 4' |
Sesquialter 2f | 2 2/3' |
Doublette | 2' |
Sifflet | 1 1/3' |
None | 8/9' |
Scharff 4f | 1' |
Holzregal | 16' |
Cromorne | 8' |
Tremulant |
Principal | 16' |
Prästant | 8' |
Holzflöte | 8' |
Flûte harmonique | 8' |
Salicional | 8' |
Oktave | 4' |
Blockflöte | 4' |
Nasard | 2 2/3' |
Oktave | 2' |
Kornett 5f | 8' |
Rauschpfeife 3f | 2 2/3' |
Mixtur 5f | 1 1/3' |
Trompete | 16' |
Trompete | 8' |
Clairon | 4' |
Bourdon | 16' |
Principal | 8' |
Copula | 8' |
Gambe | 8' |
Schwebung | 8' |
Oktave | 4' |
Traversflöte | 4' |
Gambetta | 4' |
Nasard | 2 2/3' |
Waldflöte | 2' |
Terz | 1 3/5' |
Flöte | 1' |
Mixtur 4-5f | 2' |
Zimbel 3f | 2/3' |
Fagott | 16' |
Trompette harmonique | 8' |
Oboe | 8' |
Clairon | 4' |
Tremulant |
Principal | 32' |
Prästant | 16' |
Subbaß | 16' |
Violon | 16' |
Quinte | 10 2/3' |
Oktavbaß | 8' |
Gedacktbaß | 8' |
Oktave | 4' |
Nachthorn | 4' |
Bauernpfeife | 2' |
Sesquialter 2f | 2 2/3' |
Hintersatz 5f | 2 2/3' |
Bombarde | 32' |
Posaune | 16' |
Zinke | 8' |
Clarine | 4' |
Principal | 8' |
Holzflöte | 8' |
Rohrflöte | 8' |
Oktave | 4' |
Nachthorn | 4' |
Nasard | 2 2/3' |
Superoktav | 2' |
Feldpfeife | 2' |
Terz | 1 3/5' |
Mixtur 6f | 1 1/3' |
Dulcian | 16' |
Tremulant |
Gedackt | 8' |
Viola | 4' |
Koppelflöte | 4' |
Principal | 2' |
Scharff 4f | 1' |
Fagottregal | 16' |
Schalmey | 8' |
Tremulant |
Zartgedackt | 16' |
Doppelgedackt | 8' |
Gambe | 8' |
Violine I | 8' |
Violine II | 8' |
Viola | 4' |
Flûte octaviante | 4' |
Nasard | 2 2/3' |
Octavin | 2' |
Harmonia aetherea 3-4f | 2 2/3' |
Voix humaine | 8' |
Tremulant |
Trompeta Magna | 16' |
Trompeta Real | 8' |
Trompeta Quinta | 5 1/3' |
Clairon | 4' |
Kornett 3-5f |
Offenbaß | 16' |
Subbaß | 16' |
Oktavbaß | 8' |
Baßflöte | 8' |
Hohlflöte | 4' |
Posaune | 16' |
Trompete | 8' |
Carillon, Glockenspiel, Cymbelstern
über die Normalkoppeln hinaus: Sub III/I, Super V/I, Sub III/II, Super V/II, Sub III, Super V/III, Super V/IV, CH SW ab/IV. Man, Super V