I.Hauptwerk C-a3
Bourdon | 16' |
Principal | 8' |
Bourdon | 8' |
Viola di Gamba | 8' |
Octav | 4' |
Rohrflöte | 4' |
Quinte | 22/3' |
Octav | 2' |
Sifflet | 1' |
Mixtur 4fach | 11/3' |
Cornet 5 fach 1 | 8' |
Trompete | 8' |
Tremulant | |
II - I |
Advisor: Erzbischöflicher Orgelinspektor Georg Koch
Bourdon | 16' |
Principal | 8' |
Bourdon | 8' |
Viola di Gamba | 8' |
Octav | 4' |
Rohrflöte | 4' |
Quinte | 22/3' |
Octav | 2' |
Sifflet | 1' |
Mixtur 4fach | 11/3' |
Cornet 5 fach 1 | 8' |
Trompete | 8' |
Tremulant | |
II - I |
Metallflöte | 8' |
Salicional | 8' |
Schwebung 2 | 8' |
Praestant | 4' |
Flauto dolce | 4' |
Nazard | 22/3' |
Octavin | 2' |
Terz | 13/5' |
Larigot | 11/3' |
Cymbel 3fach | 1' |
Dulcian | 16' |
Hautbois | 8' |
Chalumeaux | 4' |
Tremulant |
Subbass | 16' |
Violon | 16' |
Octavbass | 8' |
Gedeckt | 8' |
Octav | 4' |
Rauschbass | 2 2/3'+2' |
Bombarde | 16' |
Trompete | 8' |
Clairon | 4' |
I - Ped | |
II - Ped |
Year of completion: 1978
Organbuilder: Fischer & Krämer
Action: mech. key and electric stopaction
34 stops
II manuals
The historic case of Merklin & Fröhlich 1869 and several historic stops are still in use
2 free combinations
turn off switch for reeds