I. Brustwerk
Gedeckt | 8' |
Quintade | 8' |
Principal | 4' |
Rohrflöte | 4' |
Sesquialtera | 22/3' + 13/5' |
Schweizerpfeife | 2' |
Gemsquinte | 11/3' |
Mixtur 4fach | 11/3' |
Cromorne | 8' |
Major maintenance and service works
Installation of an electronic pre set combination system
Installation of an electronic sub coupler III / III
Building of a Trompette harmonique into the swell
Complete re-voicing of all stops, without changing the overall existing sound
Advisor: MD Prof. Volker Lutz
Gedeckt | 8' |
Quintade | 8' |
Principal | 4' |
Rohrflöte | 4' |
Sesquialtera | 22/3' + 13/5' |
Schweizerpfeife | 2' |
Gemsquinte | 11/3' |
Mixtur 4fach | 11/3' |
Cromorne | 8' |
Principal | 16' |
Principal | 8' |
Holzflöte | 8' |
Gamba | 8' |
Octave | 4' |
Spitzflöte | 4' |
Quinte | 22/3' |
Octave | 2' |
Mixtur 5fach | 2' |
Cornet 5fach | 8' |
Trompete | 8' |
Trompete | 4' |
Bourdon | 16' |
Principal | 8' |
Rohrflöte | 8' |
Salicional | 8' |
Voix céleste | 8' |
Octave | 4' |
Blockflöte | 4' |
Nasat | 22/3' |
Waldflöte | 2' |
Terz | 13/5' |
Sifflöte | 1' |
Mixtur 5fach | 22/3' |
Trompette harm. | 8' |
Oboe | 8' |
Principal | 16' |
Principal | 16' |
Octave | 8' |
Gemshorn | 8' |
Violoncello | 8' |
Octave | 4' |
Hintersatz 5fach | 4' |
Basszink 3fach | 51/3' |
Posaune | 16' |
Trompete | 8' |
Klarine | 4' |
Builder: F. Weigle
Year of completion: 1985
Action: mech. key and stopaction
Swell and Brustwerk have swell effect
A Wind regulating valve can lower the windpressure
Temperament: Neidhardt 1729