In Schura, the organ is integrated perfectly into the architecture of the room.
The idea of the “Wechselschleife” makes many stops playable in both manual divisions. The remarkable and characteristic Solo voices and the brilliance of its plenum sounds inspire the audience. The opulence and the gravity of sound is created by the „Sub-Coupler II/I“. Regarding the size of this instrument, it consists of a surprisingly large variety and many more possibilities that one would expect.

I.& II. ManuaI C - g’’’
Principal 1 8'
Bourdon 1 8'
Salicional 1 8'
Principal 1 4'
Rohrflöte 1 4'
Nazard 1 2 2/3'
Octave 1 2'
Terz 1 1 3/5'
Mixtur 4f. 2 1 1/3'
Oboe 1 8'
Pedal C - f’
Subbass   16'
Gedecktbass (Fortf.)   8'

1 Manuale I+II

2 Manual I

II / I, I / Pedal, II / Pedal, II / I 16’
Tremulant auf beide Manuale wirkend